​​10 Podcast Episodes

Ian Browne
3 min readMar 15, 2019

Podcasts remain one of my favourite ways to consume media. The breadth and depth of content freely available to listeners is under appreciated and, with the right host and format, can be a much superior listening and learning experience.

With St Patrick’s Day allowing us a nice long weekend, I thought I would share a few podcast episodes I recently enjoyed. There are over 1000 episodes queued on my podcast app and the list grows every week. Curation and discovery remains a problem (there’s a business there for anyone that wants to sort that out), so I love getting recommendations. Please send me some of your favourites and my list will grow, but hopefully a little smarter.

​​Clumping and Clustering – Exponent

​​Understanding the state of the technology at the end of 2018. Read the Stratechery weekly article and then listen to James and Ben discuss. Always a good conversation between these two.

​​Building Something People Want to Buy – Invest Like the Best (Andy Rachleff)

​​Andy Rachleff coined the ubiquitous phrase Product/Market fit. Here he talks at length about building something people want to buy

​​The Psychology of Advertising – Knowledge Project

​​I first discovered how entertaining and engaging Rory Sutherland was at Kilkenomics and when he teamed up with one of my favourite interviewers, Shane Parrish, the result was a two hour journey into behavioural economics and evolutionary psychology. Particularly amused by Rory’s take on autonomous cars. He’s probably right.

People in Silicon Valley are Deeply Unhappy – Recode Decode

​​Kara Swisher talks to Chamath Palihapitya of Facebook and Social Capital fame. An entertaining guest and speaker, Chamath lays bare his identity crisis, the future of Venture Capital and why some people are deeply unhappy.

​​Hash Power – Introduction to Crypto – Invest Like the Best

​​I struggle with the understanding of cryptocurrency and the underlying technologies. Thankfully, Patrick O’Shaughnessy took the time to research and publish a three episode podcast series called Hash Power which lays it all out. Technical but understandable, I found it a really useful series.

​​Getting Smart about Growth – Greymatter (Casey Winter and Andrew Chen)

​​Two experienced growth experts discuss why consumer growth is getting harder and how company’s can use leverage on their own growth strategy.​​

Five Questions with Benedict Evans – Danny in the Valley

​​Benedict Evans of Andreeson Horowitz talking about the post smartphone era, machine learning, autonomous cars and the regulation of tech.

​​Handcrafted – Masters of Scale (Brian Chesky)

​​AirBnB is one of the great companies led by an engaging team. Worth a listen alone for Brian Chesky’s description of how to provide an 11 star experience for your customers.

​​Stephen Fry’s Great Leap Years

​​Just a delightful series in the safe hands of the mellifluous Stephen Fry. You wont notice the time slip by on your commute.

​​Reefer Madness – 99 Percent Invisible

​​99 PI is one of the most popular podcasts currently produced. You could just dip into any of them for a journey into something interesting. I particularly enjoyed the series called Reefer madness, the story of shipping containers and how they changed the world. Yes seriously, they changed the world. Listen to find out more. There is an interesting book about the shipping container which is referenced in the podcasts and this is definitely on my reading list!

Podcast discovery is challenging and, fuelled by my own socially curated bubble, one dimensional. I’d love to burst the bubble so please send me some of your favourite episodes, I’ll add them to the playlist.

